

  • 笠原一希(筆頭著者) Acute effects of different foam roller intervention techniques on knee extensors
  • 村上優太(筆頭著者) Acute effects of resistance training at different range of motions on plantar flexion mechanical properties and force
  • 高林知也(筆頭,責任著者) Arch height flexibility is associated with plantar fascia tension during running  
  • 笠原一希(筆頭著者) Comparison of acute and prolonged effects of short-term foam rolling and vibration foam rolling on the properties of knee extensors
  • 笠原一希(筆頭著者) Comparison of isolated or combined static stretching and foam rolling on knee extensors’ function
  • 笠原一希(筆頭著者) Comparison of the effects of different foam rolling durations on knee extensors function
  • 江玉睦明,高林知也,阿久澤弘 Differences and relationships between weightbearing and non-weightbearing dorsiflexion range of motion in foot and ankle injuries
  • 高林知也 Differences in abductor hallucis activity during running in individuals with chronic ankle instability and copers  
  • 村上優太(筆頭著者) Eccentric force and electromyogram comparison between the eccentric phase of the Nordic hamstring exercise and the razor hamstring curl.
  • 高林知也(筆頭,責任著者) Effect of change in patellofemoral joint contact area by the decrease in vastus medialis muscle activation on joint stress
  • 髙橋萌々香(筆頭著者),高林知也(責任著者) Effect of repetitive loading from 5 km of running on plantar pressure in healthy young participants.
  • 高林知也 Lower-limb sagittal joint angles during gait can be predicted based on foot acceleration and angular velocity
  • 村上優太(筆頭著者) Relationship between nordic hamstring strength and single leg bridge test in university soccer players.
  • 菊元孝則(筆頭,責任著者) Single-legged landing behavior of high school basketball players with chronic ankle instability
  • 村上優太(筆頭著者) Time course of changes in passive properties and joint position sense after static stretching
  • 緒方崇人(筆頭,責任著者) 立位ストリームライン姿勢における上部・中部・下部胸椎角度と腰椎角度の関連性



  • 高林知也(筆頭・責任著者) Differences in the coordination and its variability among foot joints during running in neutral foot and flatfoot
  • 高林知也(筆頭・責任著者) Influence of sex and knee joint rotation on patellofemoral joint stress
  • 渡邊貴博(筆頭・責任著者) Coper has altered foot joint coordination pattern compared to individuals with chronic ankle instability during running
  • 菊地雄大(筆頭・責任著者) Relationship between hip and foot kinematics with the center of pressure during crossover cutting
  • 渡邊貴博(筆頭・責任著者) 足関節捻挫後に慢性足関節不安定症に移行した者と,移行していない「coper」におけるランニング時の後足部と前足部間の協調性
  • 渡邊貴博(筆頭・責任著者) 慢性足関節不安定症者と捻挫の再発をしていないCoperにおける歩行中の前・中・後足部間の協調性パターン
  • 渡邊貴博(筆頭・責任著者) 慢性足関節不安定症を有する者と再捻挫していない Coper におけるmodified Star Excursion Balance Test 中の母趾外転筋筋活動量の違い
  • 石山晴貴(筆頭)・高林知也(責任著者) Effect of arch height flexibility in individuals with flatfoot on abductor hallucis muscle activity and medial longitudinal arch angle during short foot exercises.
  • 高林知也 変形性股関節症のリスクファクターと歩行特徴
  • 吉田麗玖(筆頭) Greater effects by performing a small number of eccentric contractions daily than a larger number of them once a week
  • 吉田麗玖(筆頭) Less fatiguability in eccentric than concentric repetitive maximal muscle contractions
  • 笠原一希(筆頭) Comparison between 6-week foam rolling intervention program with and without vibration on rolling and non-rolling sides
  • 笠原一希(筆頭) The comparison between foam rolling either combined with static or dynamic stretching on knee extensors’ function and structure
  • 笠原一希(筆頭) Comparison of the Prolonged Effects of Foam Rolling and Vibration Foam Rolling Interventions on Passive Properties of Knee Extensors



  • JA Kim, L Fetters, Kubo M, KL Havens, SP Eckel B Sargent. Infants born preterm and infants born full-term generate more selective leg joint movement during the scaffolded mobile task. Infancy, 2021, Sep 26(5): 756-769.
  • B Saargent, KL Havens, Kubo M, J Wisnowski, TW W, L Fetters. Motivating Selective Motor Control of Infants at High Risk of Cerebral Palsy using an In-Home Kicking-Activated Mobile Task: A PilotStudy. Physical Therapy 2022 Feb 102(2).
  • JA KIM, S Park, L Fetters, SP Eckel, Kubo M, B Sargent. Quantifying infant exploratory learning. Journal of Motor Learning and Development. 2022 Jan 10(1): 167-183.
  • Watabe T, Takabayashi T, Tokunaga Y, Kubo M. Copers adopt an altered dynamic postural control compared to individuals with chronic ankle instability and controls in unanticipated single-leg landing. Gait & Posture (JCR). (in-press).
  • Watabe T, Takabayashi T, Tokunaga Y, Kubo M. Copers exhibit altered ankle and trunk kinematics compared to the individuals with chronic ankle instability during single-leg landing. Sports Biomechanics (JCR). (in-press).
  • Edama M, Takabayashi T, Yokota H, Hirabayashi R, Sekine C, Maruyama S, Otani H. Classification by degree of twisted structure of the fetal Achilles tendon. Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy (JCR). 2021; 43(10): 1691-1695.
  • Edama M, Takabayashi T, Yokota H, Hirabayashi R, Sekine C, Maruyama S, Otani H. Number of fiber bundles in the fetal anterior talofibular ligament. (JCR). 2021; 43(12): 2077-2081.
  • Inai T, Takabayashi T, Edama M, Kubo M. Effects of step length and cadence on hip moment impulse in the frontal plane during the stance phase. PeerJ (JCR). 2021; 23(9).
  • 高林知也,江玉睦明,久保雅義.ランニング中に扁平足の足部内で生じる力学的負荷の解明.デサントスポーツ科学.
  • 稲井卓真高林知也,江玉睦明,久保雅義.変形性股関節症の進行を遅延させるためのバイオメカニクス研究.日本基礎理学療法学会誌(協力学術研究団体).2021;24(1):26-32.
  • 徳永由太高林知也久保雅義.ハムストリングスが膝関節伸展作用を発揮できる股・膝関節角度条件の同定.新潟医療福祉学会誌.2021;21(3):100-107.
  • Nguyen Dang Khoa徳永由太高林知也稲井卓真久保雅義.足関節内反捻挫者の膝関節制限による足関節不安定性評価.バイオメカニズム学会誌(協力学術研究団体).2021;45(4):245-250.



  • Watabe T, Takabayashi T, Tokunaga Y, Yoshida T, Kubo M. Copers adopt an altered movement pattern compared to individuals with chronic ankle instability and control groups in unexpected single-leg landing and cutting task. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology. 2021. 57
  • Takabayashi T, Edama M, Inai T, Kubo M. Differences in rearfoot, midfoot, and forefoot kinematics of normal foot and flatfoot during. Journal of Orthopaedic Research. 2021. 39, 3, 565-571
  • Takabayashi T, Edama M, Inai T, Nakamura E, Kubo M. Effect of gender and load conditions on foot arch height index and flexibility in Japanese youths. Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery. 2020. 59, 6, 1144-1147
  • Watabe T, Takabayashi T, Tokunaga Y, Kubo M. Individuals with chronic ankle instability exhibit altered ankle kinematics and neuromuscular control compared to copers during inversion single-leg landing. Physical Therapy in Sport. 2021. 49, 77-82
  • Takabayashi T, Edama M, Inai T, Kubo M. Shank and rearfoot coordination and its variability during running in flatfoot. Journal of Biomechanics. 2021. 115, 22
  • Inai T, Takabayashi T, Watanabe S, Ikezu M, Kaneko F, Matsuzawa K, Edama M. A new method for estimating three-dimensional movement of the patellausing a surface mapping method and computed tomograph. Heliyon. 2020. 6, 8
  • Inai T, Takabayashi T, Edama M, Kubo M. Algorithm to compute muscle excitation patterns that accurately track kinematics using a hybrid of numerical integration and optimization. Journal of Biomechanics. 2020. 23, 107
  • Kobayashi T, Takabayashi T, Kudo S, Edama M. The prevalence of chronic ankle instability and its relationship to foot arch characteristics in female collegiate athletes. Physical Therapy in Sport. 2020. 46, 162-168
  • Sargent B, Havens KL, Wisnowski JL, Wu TW, Kubo M, Fetters L. In-Home Kicking-Activated Mobile Task to Motivate Selective Motor Control of Infants at High Risk of Cerebral Palsy: A Feasibility Study. Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Journal. 2020. 100, 12, 2217-2226
  • 渡部貴也,高林知也,久保雅義.慢性足関節不安定症の有無が片脚着地からの切り返し動作時の足部機能に及ぼす影響.バイオメカニクス学会誌.2020.44, 1, 171-178
  • 高林知也,江玉睦明,稲井卓真,久保雅義.ランニング中に生じる足部内のバイオメカニクス.日本基礎理学療法学会誌(総説)2020. 23, 1, 25-30



  • Suarez, Sibayan, Regino, Kubo et. al, Association between lower extremity movement compensations in the presence of PFPS among female collegiate football athletes: a cross sectional study. PJAHS. 2020; 3(1): 26-35
  • Agaro, Suarez, Sosa, Kubo, et.al. Comparison of Core Stability and Hip Muscular Strength in Selected Collegiate Football Players with and without Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome. PJAHS. 2020; 3(2):18-25
  • Takabayashi T, Edama M, Inai T, Kubo M. A mathematical modelling study investigating the influence of knee joint flexion angle and extension moment on patellofemoral joint reaction force and stress. Knee. 2019; 26(66):1323-1329.
  • Edama M, Takabayashi T, Inai T, Hirabayashi R, Ikezu M, Kaneko F, Kanta M, Kageyama I. Morphological Features of the Deep Component of the Posterior Inferior Tibiofibular Ligament. Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy. (In-press)
  • Inai T, Takabayashi T, Edama M, Kubo M. Decrease in walking speed increases hip moment impulse in the frontal plane during the stance phase. PeerJ. 2019; 19(7).
  • Edama M, Takabayashi T, Inai T, Hirabayashi R, Ikezu M, Kaneko F, Kanta M, Kageyama I. Morphological features of the posterior intermalleolar ligament. Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy. 2019; 41(12): 1441-1443.
  • Edama M, Takabayashi T, Inai T, Hirabayashi R, Ikezu M, Kaneko F, Kanta M, Kageyama I. Morphological features of the cervical ligament. Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy. 2020; 42(20): 215-218.
  • Edama M, Takeishi M, Kurata S, Kikumoto T, Takabayashi T, Hirabayashi R, Inai T, Ikezu M, Kaneko F, Kageyama I. Morphological features of the inferior fascicle of the anterior inferior tibiofibular ligament. Scientific Reports. 2019; 18.
  • Nakamura M, Ohya S, Aoki T, Suzuki D, Hirabayashi R, Kikumoto T, Nakamura E, Ito W, Takabayashi T, Edama E. Differences in Muscle Attachment Proportion Within the Most Common Location of Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome in Vivo. Orthopaedics & Traumatology-Surgery & Research. 2019; 105(7): 1419-1422.
  • 吉田 卓磨, 高林 知也, 徳永 由太, Nguyen Khoa, 久保 雅義.膝関節角度と膝関節伸展筋力の変化による膝蓋骨後方傾斜への影響ーエコーを用いた検証ー.理学療法学.2019; 46(5).334-342.
  • 吉田卓真高林知也徳永由太,神田賢,久保雅義.肩関節疾患患者の肩峰骨頭距離と肩関節屈曲可動域の関係.理学療法新潟,2019; 22,9-12.



  • Takabayashi T, Edama M, Inai T, Kubo M. Gender differences in coordination variability between shank and rearfoot during running. Human Movement Science. 2019; 66: 91-97.
  • Takabayashi T, Edama M, Inai T, Kubo M. Sex-related differences in coordination and variability among foot joints during running. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research. 2018; 11(53).1-8.
  • 高林知也,江玉睦明,中村絵美,柳宗,稲井卓真,大森豪,久保雅義.日本人大学生における女性の足部アーチモビリティーの基準値.J Sports Injury. 2018; 23: 8-9.
  • 高林知也.運動科学の概念に基づく筋機能に着目した走行動作の捉え方.理学療法. 2018; 35(10): 908-914.
  • Inai T, Takabayashi T, Edama M, Kubo M. Effect of contralateral cane use on hip moment impulse in the frontal plane during the stance phase. Gait & Posture. 2019; 70: 311-316.
  • Inai T, Takabayashi T, Edama M, Kubo M. Relationship between movement time and hip moment impulse in the sagittal plane during sit-to-stand movement: A combined experimental and computer simulation study. BioMedical Engineering Online. 2018; 17(48).1-13.
  • Inai T, Takabayashi T, Edama M, Kubo M. Effect of hip joint angle at seat-off on hip joint contact force during sit-to-stand movement: A computer simulation study. BioMedical Engineering Online. 2018; 17(1). 1-14.
  • 市川崇,亀尾徹,久保雅義. 膝痛に対する機能障害に基づく分類システムによる運動器理学療法に関する文献的考察. 理学療法学. 2018; 5: 318-324
  • Edama M, Takabayashi T, Inai T, Kikumoto T, Ito W, Nakamura E, Hirabayashi R, Ikezu M, Kaneko F, Kageyama I. Relationships between differences in the number of fiber bundles of the anterior talofibular ligament and differences in the angle of the calcaneofibular ligament and their effects on ankle braking flinction. Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy.(in press)
  • Edama M, Takabayashi T, Inai T, Kikumoto T, Ito W, Nakamura E, Hirabayashi R, Ikezu M, Kaneko F, Kageyama I. The relationships between the quadratus plantae and the flexor digitorum longus and the flexor hallucis longus. Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy.(in press)
  • Edama M, Takabayashi T, Inai T, Kikumoto T, Ito W, Nakamura E, Hirabayashi R, Ikezu M, Kaneko F, Kageyama I. Differences in the strain applied to Achilles tendon fibers when the subtalar joint is overpronated: A simulation study. Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy. 2019; 41(5): 595-599.
  • Edama M, Takabayashi T, Inai T, Kikumoto T, Ito W, Nakamura E, Hirabayashi R, Ikezu M, Kaneko F, Kageyama I. The effect of differences in the number of fiber bundles of the anterior tibial ligament on ankle braking function: A simulation study. Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy. 2019; 41(1): 69-73.
  • Edama M, Kageyama I, Kikumoto T, Takabayashi T, Ito W, Nakamura E, Hirabayashi R, Inai T, Ikezu M, Kaneko F, Kumazaki A, Inaba H, Omori G. Morphological characteristics of the lateral talocalcaneal ligament: A large-scale anatomical study. Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy. 2018; 41(1): 25-28.
  • Edama M, Ikezu M, Kaneko F, Kikumoto T, Takabayashi T, Hirabayashi R, Inai T, Kageyama I. Morphological features of the bifurcated ligament. Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy. 2018; 41(1): 3-7.



  • Takabayashi T, Edama M, Nakamura M, Nakamura E, Inai T, Kubo M. Gender differences associated with Rearfoot, Midfoot, and Forefoot Kinematics during running. European Journal of Sport Science. 2017: 17: 10: 1289-1296
  • Takabayashi T, Edama M, Nakamura EYokoyama E, Kanaya C, Kubo M. Coordination among the rearfoot, midfoot, and forefoot during walking. Journal of Foot Ankle Research. 2017:10:42: 10.1186/s13047-017-0224-3
  • Inai T, Takabayashi T, Edama M, Kubo M. Evaluation of factors that affect hip moment impulse during gait: A systematic review. Gait & Posture. 2018 [in press]
  • Inai T, Takabayashi T, Edama M, Kubo M. Relationship Between Hip Flexion Contracture and Hip-Joint Contact Force in Standing Posture: A Computer Simulation Study. Journal of Ergonomics. 2017 :7: 3. 10.4172/2165-7556.1000194
  • Sargent B, Reimann H, Kubo M, Fetters L. INFANT INTRALIMB COORDINATION AND TORQUE PRODUCTION: Influence of Prematurity. Infant Behav Dev. 2017:49: 129-140
  • Sargent B, Kubo M, Fetters L. Infant Discovery Learning and Lower Extremity Coordination: Influence of Prematurity. Physical & Occupational Therayp in Pediatrics. 2018:38:2:210-225
  • 高林知也,江玉睦明,中村雅俊,中村絵美,金谷知晶,柳宗,稲井卓真,大森豪,久保雅義.静的な足部評価方法であるArch height indexと動的な中足部機能との関連性.J Sports Injury.2017: 22
  • 高林知也,江玉睦明,中村雅俊,中村絵美,金谷知晶,柳宗,稲井卓真久保雅義.ランニングにおける下腿と後足部間の協調性パターン.理学療法学.2017:44:5: 332-339



  • Takabayashi T, Edama M, Nakamura M, Nakamura E, Inai T, Kubo M. Gender difference sassociated with Rearfoot, Midfoot, and Forefoot Kinematics during running. European Journal of Sport Science. 2017: 17: 10: 1289-1296
  • Takabayashi T, Edama M, Nakamura EYokoyama E, Kanaya C, Kubo M. Coordination among the rearfoot, midfoot, and forefoot during walking. Journal of Foot Ankle Research. 2017:10:42: 10.1186/s13047-017-0224-3
  • Inai T, Takabayashi T, Edama M, Kubo M. Evaluation of factors that affect hip moment impulse during gait: A systematic review. Gait & Posture. 2018 [in press]
  • Inai T, Takabayashi T, Edama M, Kubo M. Relationship Between Hip Flexion Contracture and Hip-Joint Contact Force in Standing Posture: A Computer Simulation Study. Journal of Ergonomics. 2017 :7: 3. 10.4172/2165-7556.1000194
  • Sargent B, Reimann H, Kubo M, Fetters L. INFANT INTRALIMB COORDINATION AND TORQUE PRODUCTION: Influence of Prematurity. Infant Behav Dev. 2017:49: 129-140
  • Sargent B, Kubo M, Fetters L. Infant Discovery Learning and Lower Extremity Coordination: Influence of Prematurity. Physical & Occupational Therayp in Pediatrics. 2018:38:2:210-225
  • 高林知也,江玉睦明,中村雅俊,中村絵美,金谷知晶,柳宗,稲井卓真,大森豪,久保雅義.静的な足部評価方法である Arch height index と動的な中足部機能との関連性.J Sports Injury.2017: 22
  • 高林知也,江玉睦明,中村雅俊,中村絵美,金谷知晶,柳宗,稲井卓真久保雅義.ランニングにおける下腿と後足部間の協調性パターン.理学療法学.2017:44:5: 332-339